New Update post to give progress updates on what Capital Pinball is working on next.

Phase One Progress Update 9/06/2024

We’re excited to share the progress we’ve made toward opening Capital Pinball! As of now, we have five fully committed founding members, and seven machines lined up for our opening day. We’re also in discussions with four additional individuals who are interested in becoming members, and we’re working on finalizing those details.

On the administrative side, we’ve registered Capital Pinball as an LLC with the state, and all appropriate tax information is in place. We’ve also spoken with the landlord, received a copy of the lease, and they’re ready for us to move forward as soon as we’re set. We’ve started the process of obtaining insurance to protect the club and its members.

In terms of security, we have purchased 24/7 surveillance camera equipment and locking capabilities for the space. The cameras will be installed shortly, ensuring the club’s safety and security.

Looking ahead, three of our founding members will be out of the country for a couple of weeks, so we’re planning around their schedules. Currently, we’re aiming for an anticipated opening date in the second week of October. While this is a tentative date, we’re already planning events around it, and we’ll keep you updated as things progress!