Become a Member post for Capital Pinball.

Become a Founding Member of Capital Pinball

Our Vision

We are on the verge of creating something special in Concord, New Hampshire—a community-driven pinball club that brings together enthusiasts, competitive players, and collectors under one roof. As a potential founding member, you have the unique opportunity to shape the future of Capital Pinball from the ground up. Here’s the roadmap we’ve envisioned to make this dream a reality.

Phase 1: Securing Our Location

Our first objective is to secure a physical location that will serve as the heart of our pinball community. To make this happen, we need at least 10 founding members who are passionate about pinball and eager to contribute. Here’s what you can expect in this initial phase:

Pinball Machine Contributions: Ideally, each founding member will be able to contribute at least one pinball machine to the club. These machines will be available for all members to enjoy, and will serve as the centerpiece of our events and gatherings.

24/7 Access: As a founding member, you’ll have a key to the club and 24/7 access to come and go as you please, making it your own private pinball haven.

Shared Costs: The 10 founding members will split the cost of the location, ensuring that our overhead is manageable. Assuming monthly expenses of around $1,000, this would amount to no more than $100 per person each month.

Events and Revenue: We’ll start hosting New England Pinball League (NEPL) and International Flipper Pinball Association (IFPA) events immediately, with a goal of at least five events per month. Founding members will play for free, while guests will be charged a $15 entry fee. All guest revenue will be used to reduce our shared costs, potentially lowering the monthly fee for each member.

Check out the current location here: Help Us Secure a Home for Capital Pinball: Join the Movement!

Check out the most recent update: Phase One Progress Update 9/06/2024

Update 09/17: Lease Finalization and Next Steps

Phase 2: Growing Our Membership

With a location secured and events underway, our next goal is to double our membership from 10 to 20 members. This growth will help us achieve the following:

Reduced Monthly Fees: As our membership increases, the monthly cost for each member will decrease. With 20 members, we anticipate the monthly fee dropping to around $50 per person.

Stronger Community: An established location with regular events will make it easier to attract new members who are passionate about pinball. This phase will see our community grow and solidify, making it more sustainable in the long run.

Phase 3: Expanding the Club

As we continue to grow, our long-term objective is to reach a membership of around 40 people. This phase will be a more gradual process, focused on providing additional benefits to those who have supported us from the beginning:

No Fees for Machine Owners: Ideally, members who have contributed a pinball machine to the club will no longer have to pay membership fees, or at the very least, their fees will be significantly reduced. This is our way of giving back to those who have made the biggest contributions to our success.

Future Growth Potential: With 40 members, we’ll have the financial stability to consider further expansion, including acquiring more machines and possibly even moving to a larger, more sophisticated location.

Phase 4: Optional Liquor License

While not a critical part of our initial roadmap, we are exploring the possibility of obtaining a liquor license. This could serve two key purposes:

Enhance the Experience: As a club primarily for adults, many of our members would enjoy the option to have a drink while playing pinball.

Additional Revenue Stream: A liquor license could significantly boost our revenue, further reducing membership fees and covering maintenance costs.

We’ve already had discussions with the liquor commission and have a path forward, though it remains a tricky process. This phase will be revisited as we progress and gather more input from our founding members.

Your Role as a Founding Member

As a founding member with a machine on-site, you will play a crucial role in the decision-making process within the club. Your input and feedback will be highly valued as we work together to build and grow Capital Pinball.

If you have ideas, resources, or skills that could help us build this community, we would love to hear from you. Whether it’s organizing events, contributing additional machines, or helping with technical support, your involvement is what will make Capital Pinball a success.